Scientific conferences
L. Chalmandrier. Ecological strategies in intermittent river networks. Oral presentation. Annual meeting of the GDR Theomodiv 16-18 October 2023, Montpellier, France.
L. Chalmandrier. Modeling abiotic and biotic filtering with functional traits (in plant communities). Oral presentation. Intecol 28 August – 2 September 2022, Geneva, Switzerland
L. Chalmandrier. Calibrating community model with functional traits. Oral Presentation. Annual meeting of the GDR of Statistical Ecology 4-5 April 2022, Montpellier, France. Video link (in french)
L. Chalmandrier, D. Stouffer, A. Purcell, W. Lee, A. Tanentzap & D. Laughlin. Predictions of biodiversity are improved by integrating trait-based competition with abiotic filtering. Gesellschaft für Ökologie 30 August – 1 September 2021
L. Chalmandrier, D. Stouffer, F. Hartig, L. Pellissier & D. Laughlin. Calibrating community models through functional traits. International Statistical Ecology Conference: June 2020 (online).
L. Chalmandrier, F. Hartig & L. Pellissier. Calibrating community demographic models through functional traits – A proof of concept. Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America 5-10 August 2018, New Orleans, USA.
L. Chalmandrier, F. Hartig & L. Pellissier. Calibrating community demographic models through functional traits – A proof of concept. Annual symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science 22-27 July 2018, Bozeman, USA.
L. Chalmandrier, F. Hartig & L. Pellissier. Fitting community mechanistic models to empirical data through functional traits – A proof of concept. Joint meeting British Ecological Society – Gesellschaft für Ökologie 11-14 December 2017, Ghent, Belgium.
L. Chalmandrier, C. Albouy & L. Pellissier. Plant productivity-diversity relationships – A theoretical approach to understand the influence of species pool structure. Oral presentation. Biannual meeting Société Française d’Ecologie, 24-27 October 2016, Marseille, France
L. Chalmandrier, T.Münkemüller, S. Lavergne & W. Thuiller. Integrating different methodologies to analyse diversity patterns. Oral Presentation. Annual meeting of the GDR of Statistical Ecology 12 – 13th March 2015, Lyon, France
L. Chalmandrier, T. Münkemüller, M.-P. Colace, J. Renaud, S. Lavergne & W. Thuiller. Spatial scale and intraspecific variability influence the response of alpine grassland functional diversity to environmental gradients. Oral presentation. Joint meeting British Ecological Society – Société Française d’Ecologie, 10-12 December 2014, Lille, France
L. Chalmandrier, T.Münkemüller, S. Lavergne & W. Thuiller. Effects of species’ similarity and dominance on the functional and phylogenetic structure of a plant meta-community. Oral Presentation. International Statistical Ecology Conference 1 – 4 July 2014, Montpellier, France
L. Chalmandrier, T. Münkemüller, S. Lavergne & W. Thuiller. Jointly analyzing meta-community structure, phylogenetic and functional diversity reveals otherwise hidden assembly processes. Poster presentation. Faster, Higher, More? Past, Present and Future Dynamics of Alpine and Arctic Flora under Climate Change 22 – 25 September 2013, Bergün, Switzerland
Invited seminars
Teasing apart the processes that shape communities. MathBio group. Université Grenoble-Alpes (November 2023)
Teasing apart the processes that shape communities. INRAE (Grenoble) (Octobre 2023)
The effect of drying on stream diversity. Dryver Webinar. With Annika Vilmi. (November 2023). Recorded webinar
Teasing apart the processes that shape communities. IEES. Sorbonne Université (April 2023)
Predictions of biodiversity are improved by integrating trait-based competition with abiotic filtering. Seminar at the Biology department of the University of Canterbury (April 2021).
Disentangling assembly rules. Seminar at the Biology department of the University of Wyoming (April 2019).
Science is Wonderful! – Online event organized by MSCA Actions. November 2021. Presentation of the cold adaptations of alpine plants to the pupils of the primary school of Saint Bauzille de la Sylve (France)
Career days – October 2019. Lycée Général et Technologique St Marc, Nivolas-Vermelle, France. (Highschool)
Discussion with prospective students about academic careers and ecology-related fields.
Geology trip participant – November 2014. Lycée Général et Technologique St Marc, Nivolas-Vermelle, France.
Co-supervision of high school geology field trip. Communications about basic mountain ecology notions.